Building your own oil cooler adapter: 8-valve GS motors

Thanks to Mr. Nessism for writing up his procedure for fabricating an oil cooler adapter for the 8-valve GS motors.
The GS Forum discussion thread can be referenced by CLICKING HERE.
You can download the PDF file with Mr. Nessism's procedure by CLICKING HERE. (Or right-click and 'save as...')
Here is a picture of the Earl's oil cooler that Mr. Nessism uses. Click on the picture to go to AN Plumbing, an Earl's supplier in the LA area.

For those of you without a drill press or fabrication skills (yours truly included), another member of The GS Resources fabricates and sells these oil cooler adapters at a reasonable price. Send a Private Messege through the GS Forum to Mr. terry and he can fix you up. You can read the GSR Forum thread about Mr. terry's "Telcool MK5 adapter" by CLICKING HERE. Here is an example of Mr. terry's work.

Steve (he's the guy with the valve adjustment spreadsheet) likes to run
all of his parts under the buffing wheel. Isn't it pretty?

Don't forget to add a gasket! Part # 16448-45000, called a "Pressure Switch Housing O-ring".
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